MAXimize Tutor LLC
Empowering students to be their best.
MAXimize Tutor personalizes each student's experience at every level, (pre-k through college) ensuring student success and persistence. Founded and run by an Excellent Rated educator, MAXimize understands that a “one size fits all” approach does not meet the needs of our students and families and thus works individually to ensure that our students are successful based on who they are and what they need. Our experienced and highly qualified professional educator tutors meet with students in person, and they utilize our MAXimize college student tutor support team for additional support in between sessions if needed. We also offer virtual on demand home support in all subject areas delivered by our college student tutors.
Our founder, Amanda Martinsen, is an award winning elementary and middle school teacher, and she truly thought she would stay in the classroom until retirement. In March of 2020, tragedy stuck when her twin boys, Max and Lincoln, were born four months early. Max passed away in the hospital, while Lincoln thankfully made it home safe and sound after a very hard and long fight. Inspired by Lincoln's strength, Amanda launched MAXimize Tutor (named for her late son, Max), with a mission to make the world a better place, one child at a time by empowering students to be their best. ​​
Amanda Martinsen
Founder and President
(312) 718-5813
MAXimize Custom Tutoring Services
Professional Customized Math &Â Literacy Tutoring
In person tutoring delivered by professional educators.
Math (Grades K through Algebra 2)
Literacy (Pre-K through Grade 12 AP Courses)
In person, customized math & literacy tutoring services of the highest quality for students needing enrichment or remedial support. In person tutoring services are provided throughout Glenview, Northfield, Winnetka, Wilmette, Glencoe, Kenilworth, Northbrook, Lincolnwood and Skokie. Remote options available for other locations.
Customized remedial instruction and/or enrichment.
Homework support.
Continuous formative assessment to evaluate the students needs, strengths, and growth.
Exam preparation.
Executive functioning support.
MAP and IAR test preparation.
Customized reading, writing, and/or our public speaking support.
Reading fluency and comprehension instruction.
Writing strategy support and enrichment.
On Demand Virtual Homework Support
Flexible, virtual tutoring delivered by college student tutors.
All Subject Areas
Grades 4 through College
MAXimize Tutor’s On Demand Virtual Home Support Tutoring Service is a fantastic option for elementary, middle, high school, or college students that need immediate homework or schoolwork support such as help with a study guide, a math assignment, or revising an essay. This is also a wonderful option for weekly homework and tutoring support, or as a compliment to your regular sessions with Amanda. Our college student tutors will work with your child to not only complete their homework assignment, but they will also work to fill any conceptual gaps they see as they are working through the assignment.
Reach out today, and Amanda will help you come up with the perfect plan for how you can best utilize this on demand tutoring service. With a wide range of high achieving college student tutors, we can support students in all subject areas!
Our tutors have gone through formal training with Amanda as well as taken part in practice tutoring sessions in order to receive feedback from our clients. Tutors will continue to receive critical feedback and training throughout the school year to ensure we are meeting the individual needs of each one of our students.
If you are interested in learning more about our college student virtual tutoring service, please contact Amanda. ​
Custom Enrichment or Remediation Plan
In person or virtual tutoring delivered by college student tutors, following a detailed plan created by one of our professional educators.
Math: Grades Pre-K through Algebra 1
Literacy: Grades Pre-K through 6th
If you are interested in a customized enrichment or remediation plan for your child, and Amanda does not have a permanent spot on her caseload for you, she will meet with your child to evaluate their strengths and challenges, and then she will create a just right plan for them to work with one of our college student tutors! Amanda will meet with your child at least once a quarter for spot checks and adjust the plan as needed. Once there is space for you to move to Amanda's caseload, you can opt to make the move!
Final Exam Study Plan Preparation
High School and College Students Preparing for Final Exams
Planning for final exams can be an overwhelming task, and we are here to help! You can schedule your initial one hour session one our MAXimize Tutors, and they will work with your child to create a step-by-step study plan by backwards planning from each final exam date. ​Follow up sessions with the tutor will be scheduled (if desired) to meet the study goals. If the tutor cannot accommodate a specific subject area, Amanda will schedule the student with a different college tutor that can accommodate. ​
Executive Functioning
Grades 4 through 12
Executive functioning often gets in the way of students' learning, and can cause stress and frustrations on multiple levels. An individual that is strong in executive functioning is proficient in planning, monitoring their own learning, managing their time, organizing their materials, and asking for help. The MAXimize Executive Functioning Program supports students in these skills and assesses students needs on a monthly basis, gradually releasing responsibility to the student, with a goal of complete independence. Each student will be evaluated by a professional educator, who will then create a just right, individualized plan for your child which they will manage closely with the support of the college student tutor support team.
The MAXimize Executive Functioning Program is run and overseen by one of the other professional educator tutors. Your professional educator tutor will stay on top of your child's gradebook and assignments in all subject areas, and will follow up frequently via text and/or email with your child to ensure they are staying on top of their assignments, ready for their assessments, and receiving the tutoring support they need.
Your child's tutor will see your child in person for tutoring sessions, and if appropriate, will also pair them with a college student zoom tutor for additional homework support. Together, we will build the just right plan for your child!
Cancellation Policy
Professional & Custom Tutoring: If you cancel your session less than 48 hours before your session, you will be charged a $40 planning fee. If you cancel your session less than 24 hours before your session, you will be billed for the full session. Frequent cancellations can result in loss of your tutoring slot to be filled by someone from the waitlist.
On Demand Virtual Tutoring: If you cancel an on demand virtual tutoring session less than 24 hours ahead of time, you will be billed for a 30 minute session. ($45)
Thank you for understanding! Tutors spend time preparing for tutoring sessions ahead of time, arranging childcare around tutoring sessions, and tutoring slots cannot always be filled at the last minute by a different student. Please keep this in mind when scheduling.