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Sunset in Mountain

The Max Buddy Mission

Started by Amanda Martinsen, Founder and owner of MAXimize Tutor, in 2021 in loving memory of her son, Max Buddy Martinsen.


A note from Amanda: 

Max Buddy Martinsen came into this world at 12:13 am on March 25, 2020, almost four months before he was supposed to be born. His twin brother, Lincoln, followed at 12:16 am. â€‹Despite fighting with everything he had, we had to say good bye to Max later that morning. In Max’s final moments, I told him how important his life was, and promised him we would keep his memory alive. 


The month leading up to Lincoln and Max's birth, and the four month fight from Lincoln that followed, were full of struggles I never thought I would have to face--and it breaks my heart to hear when others are going through a similar journey. 

We were beyond fortunate to have a strong support system from our families and friends, and I don't know how we would have gotten through it all without their support. We had endless GrubHub gift cards sent to us, which we used daily at the hospital as Mike and I were rotating every twelve hours to ensure we were there for Lincoln around the clock. Groceries and meals were left on our doorstep throughout the week. Our older son, MJ, received an Amazon package almost every day, bringing him such joy during such a devastating and lonely time. These things truly helped us stay afloat and they allowed us to fight the storm. 


We want to pay it forward and keep Max’s memory alive through this mission. MAXimize Tutor LLC will be donating a portion of its profits to a family with a child in the hospital or to a family in need every year in honor of The Max Buddy Mission. We will choose a family (or an organization that supports families). For some families, we will share their journeys below, and let you know how you can help. We will support each family differently based on their needs. 


If you would like to nominate a family to receive support from The Max Buddy Mission, please reach out to Amanda. â€‹



Always in our hearts our sweet Max. 



MAXimize Tutor was founded as a result of our survivor Lincoln, and named after our angel Max. After Lincoln's NICU journey, in my heart, I truly felt that I had no other choice but to leave my classroom (for what I thought would only be a year) because I simply could not leave Lincoln after all he had been through. I started tutoring to supplement our income, and soon enough realized that I could not only build a business, but I could create a mission to honor Max and help others.


Scroll down to read about some of our  past families that The Max Buddy Mission is supporting. 

Who have we helped in honor of The Max Buddy Mission?

Tutoring to Low Income Families

From December through June, we supported families who could not afford tutoring using our on demand virtual tutoring service.

Freddy Junior

Freddy Jr. came crashing into this world at 22 weeks gestation, which is two weeks earlier than Max and Lincoln were born. Freddy was given 0% of survival. He defied all odds, and made it home safe and sound after a very long and challenging journey at Dallas Children's hospital.


Freddy Jr.'s parents and sisters were beyond grateful for our support, and we were beyond grateful to provide it. 

Thank you to all those that have helped support Freddy! We raised over $2,700 in cash, gift cards, and presents that were sent to Freddy's family to support Freddy on his difficuilt NICU journey. 


Freddy is now home with his adoring big sisters and parents and he is doing very well! 

The Collette Foundation

The Collette Foundation is a wonderful organization that was created to improve outcomes of pregnancy, childbirth, infancy, prematurity, as well as assist with impact of loss through financial assistance, education, and advocacy. This organization helped support us when we were in the hospital with our boys, and we are ever so grateful. 


In honor of Max and Colette, please consider making a donation to this wonderful organization so our impact can hit many families across the nation. You can donate directly on their website by following the link here:


If you make a donation, please let Amanda know so she can personally thank you, and please comment with your donation that you are donating in honor of The Max Buddy Mission. 

Amelie Grace

Throughout their storm, The Max Buddy Mission supported Amelie's family by sending gifts and games for her three adoring brothers, presents for Amelie, Grub Hub gift cards, and donations to their Go Fund Me Page. If you would like to donate to Amelie's Go Fund Me page, please add a comment after you donate stating you are donating in honor of The Max Buddy mission. Link here

Update as of September 16, 2021: It is with a broken heart that I share that Amelie lost her fight and joined Max over the rainbow. She touched the lives of thousands and inspired us all with her fighting spirit and her bright shining brown eyes. We will miss Amelie and will hold her close to our hearts. Shine bright baby girl. Shine bright. 


A note from Amelie's mom in July 2021: Amelie Grace was born in November at 23 weeks gestation, 17 weeks early. Weighing only 1 lb. 4 oz., our micropreemie is a tiny but mighty warrior. ​Amelie has defied the odds, during her 233 days in the NICU. She was born in Oregon but transferred to Ohio in March due to her chronic lung disease. Her family sold their house and moved across the country so she could get the best care possible. ​Amelie faced many, many challenges with her lungs and infections. There have been countless miracles in regards to her heart, brain, intestines, kidneys, eyes, skin the list could on and on. She has had a phenomenal medical team and a powerful God who loves her dearly.​ Amelie is blessed to join a loving family including her parents, Angie and Daniel, and three older brothers, Hudson (9), Bentley (6) and Micah (3). Even though her brothers have not yet been able to meet her, due to Covid, they are all smitten with her already and can’t wait for the day she will come home.​​


You can follow along on Amelie's journey on her mom's instagram page, adventuresofamelieandbros.



Isla was our first Max Buddy Mission family who we supported in June and July of 2021.


ISLA'S STORY: You can read Isla's devastating story on her family's Go Fund Me Page, linked below. Isla is an amazing 10-year old who was tragically burned in an accident. She has a very long and hard road ahead of her, as does her family. Please read more about this heartbreaking story on their Go Fund Me page and consider donating to support this family in need:


UPDATE!  Isla is home!! She is doing very well, and her family feels beyond fortunate that Isla is able to not only recover at home, but she is starting to get back into the swing of things. She has even started practicing gymnastics again! Isla still has a long road to full recovery, but she is doing amazing and we are so beyond happy for Isla and her family. We know Max will continue to look out for Isla. Thank you for all that donated to support Isla and her family. 

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